Grab Food – Free Lunch

“You’re not you when you’re hungry” – this legendary line from Snickers rings true to this day – a testament to how an insight can spark a great idea. Then, who you are when you’re hungry? In that legendary ad, a young girl turned into a foul-mouthed Snoop Dog because she was hungry. So what’s better – or in this case – worse than a Dog?
The answer is a big, bad, wolf.
In Vietnamese, we have a saying: As hungry as a wolf. We don’t have wolves here, we come up with it just because the word “Hungry” – Đói & “Wolf” – Sói rhymths. But hey, people know what a wolf kinda looks like. And it’s more than good enough to make a campaign out of it.
We created this series of iTVC featuring a big, bad, hungry wolf for Grab Food Vietnam, promoting their “Free Lunch” Deals. Don’t let an empty stomach during office hours, sizzling hot weather, or lack of choices at the local deli turn you into a wolf. Order a free lunch from Grab Food and consider the problem solved.

Grab Food Free Lunch


Grab Vietnam

What We Did

Campaign Concept, Video Production, Social Content

Grab Food – Familiar Dishes from Familiar Shops

What happens when you combine food and music? Not just any food and music, but ones from your childhood?

We all know by heart the popular songs during our years of growing up. And we all loved (and still do) the flavors of our favorite snacks during the same period. These made up a big part of who we are today.

Grab Food is set out to bring back your childhood’s favorite food and melodies with this campaign.


Grab Food Món Độc Quán Quen


Grab Vietnam

What We Did

Campaign Concept, Video Production, Social Content

Grab – Rides Cancellation

Every job has its challenges. Being a driver for Grab – Vietnam’s biggest super-app is no different. Notoriously bad traffic jams, broke-down-in-the-middle-of-the-road bikes, or those tricky addresses that follow no rules… all can drive a drivers into tricky situations and eventually cancelling the rides.

Worry not, because Grab got you (and the drivers) covered. On your end, Grab will send over a replacement driver in no time. And on the drivers’ ends, Grab will not charge the cancellation fee. It’s a win-win-win situation, because you get your ride, the drivers don’t get fined, and Grab would get more trust points in the consumers’ minds.


Grab – Ride Cancellations


Grab Vietnam

What We Did

Campaign Concept, Video Production, Social Content