Run for yourself, AND for the ocean!

This is an annual event in which millions of runners across the globe will get ready to Run For The Oceans, helping to end Plastic Waste with every km run. We worked with adidas Vietnam to tell the stories of 4 elite athletes and how running for the ocean, and the environment in general, means to them.
The song used for this campaign is “Ly Keo Chai” – The Fishermen’s Song – a Vietnamese folk song famous for the following lyrics: “The wind has risen, let’s drink our liquor bottles and chase away our sorrows”. We modified the words into: “The wind has risen, let’s run away our plastic bottles” – which delivered the campaign’s message. Rocker Su Duy Vuong from the Su Brothers Band delivered the vocal part flawlessly.

Ultra Marathoner Nhơn Trọng

from the mountain to the seas

Lương Ngọc Duy

A swimmer’s tale

Simon Hồ

The one who runs for his family

Nga Võ

The daughter of the mountains